from pwn import * # connect to remote challenge instance conn = remote('',6051) cont = True count = 1 while cont: # get data dat = conn.recvuntil('array =') print(f"question {count}/50") if b"50/50" in dat: cont = False # this is the last question # parse data arr = conn.recvuntil('=').decode().split('\n')[0].strip().replace('[','').replace(']','') k1 = conn.recvuntil('=').decode().split('\n')[0] k2 = conn.recvuntil('\n').decode().strip() nums = [int(n) for n in arr.split(',')] # sort array in ascending order nums.sort() # get first k1 elements of sorted array first_question = nums[:int(k1)] # sort array in descending order nums.sort(reverse=True) # get first k2 elements of sorted array second_question = nums[:int(k2)] # format result result = ', '.join(str(n) for n in first_question) + '; ' + ', '.join(str(n) for n in second_question) conn.sendline(result.encode()) # send count += 1 final = conn.recv().decode() # get flag after all questions are answered print(final) conn.close()