from pwn import * from math import floor, isqrt import subprocess # # ended up not using this def fac(n): step = lambda x: 1 + (x<<2) - ((x>>1)<<1) maxq = int(floor(isqrt(n))) d = 1 q = 2 if n == ((n>>1)<<1) else 3 while q <= maxq and n % q: q = step(d) d += 1 return [q] + fac(n // q) if q <= maxq else [n] def real_fast_factor(n): # we out here # being lazy result =['./more_primes',str(n)],stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return [int(res) for res in result.stdout.decode().strip().split(',')] def get_decomp(n): factors = real_fast_factor(n) # fac(n) decomp = [] for i in set(factors): decomp.append({"coef":i,"exp":factors.count(i)}) return decomp def reduce_lcm(lcm_decomp,gcd): gl_decomp = [] for factor in lcm_decomp: if not gcd % factor["coef"]: count = 0 div = gcd while 1: count += 1 div //= factor["coef"] if div % factor["coef"]: break if count == factor["exp"]: continue # don't add this to new_ldecomp gl_decomp.append(factor) return gl_decomp # connect to remote challenge conn = remote('',6050) count = 0 # question counter while True: conn.recvuntil('\ngcd(x, y) = ') gcd = int(conn.recvuntil('\n').rstrip()) # get gcd conn.recvuntil('lcm(x, y) = ') lcm = int(conn.recvuntil('\n').rstrip()) # get lcm print(lcm) count += 1 if lcm == gcd: # don't waste time decomposing if equal conn.sendline(b'1') ret = conn.recvline().decode() if "That is not the correct answer!" in ret: break continue lcm_decomp = get_decomp(lcm) # get prime power decomp of lcm gl_decomp = reduce_lcm(lcm_decomp,gcd) # prune lcm decomp conn.sendline(str(1 << len(gl_decomp)).encode()) # send 2^len(gl_decomp) try: ret = conn.recvline().decode() print(ret.strip() + " : " + str(count) + f" : sent - {1 << len(gl_decomp)}") if count == 100: print(conn.recv().decode().strip()) break if "That is not the correct answer!" in ret: print(ret.strip()) break except(EOFError): print(f"Times up, got to {count}/100!") break conn.close()